The title of this post says it all.
But what it doesn't tell you is that this happened twice within 2 minutes.
Here's the scoop:
After day 4 of hospital visit - looks
who's walking upright! |
Before I moved to Portland, I was in the hospital twice in two weeks. Stress kicked in and my body felt it was necessary to pass a kidney stone. Twice.
Moved to Portland and 1 week later, my body decided to part ways with my appendix in a non-routine appendectomy. I spent 1 week in the hospital.
Appendectomy problems, back in the hospital for 2 days.
Doing great!! Until another Kidney Stone made its appearance into this world. Hello hospital.
Last month I was SO HAPPY to finally pay off all of my hospital bills. Even with insurance, I was up to my chin in hospital bills. Over $3,000 now.
So this past weekend boyfriend and I went to the Post Office to pick up mail.
I began ripping through my mail expecting it to be all spam when I saw at the top of a statement:
Granted, it was only $50.
But what???
I paid off all of my bills!!
Did you know you have to pay for the doctor who sees you IN ADDITION TO the emergency room visits? True flipping story. So slap my booty and pull my hair, my emotions kicked in.
I know it's only $50 and compared to the rest of my bills was relatively tiny, but I was so relieved to have all of my bills paid off that this just sucked.
So I cried.
And boyfriend calmed me by saying:
"At least it's not that much."
He was right. Buck up and grow a pair, Ashley. It's not the end of the world and other people have it 10x worse.
So I open the next letter and see:
What's the damage?
Release the gates, it's flood season.
I bawled.
You know the kind where you blubber and gasp for air.
That kind of bawling.
The kicker? This bill was from service I received 7 months ago!!
To some people who have constant hospital bills this might not seem like much and I might seem like a total whiner. But to the average healthy Joe Schmoe who gets a flu once a year and maybe allergies, this is ridiculous. And it totally sucks for the girl who is in the process of buying a home and wondering:
"Where the heck does all of my money go?"
Well let me tell you.
It's going toward healthcare where expenses are increasing drastically from people who can't pay their bills or afford insurance.
With $3,000 (and growing) I could afford:
A bigger house down payment

Lots of clothes for Fall. Boots anyone? Tons of boots.
A princess castle for Polly
An epic new computer
Investment opportunities
Braces/Prettier Teeth (don't even get me started)
Flying back home 12 times
- Ski tickets to Whistler, and then some
300 Puppies
...I'll stop now