Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Pho has become my new favorite addiction!  Like I-have-to-limit-myself-to-once-a-week addiction.  I LOVE IT!  It's fairly healthy for you as well.  The Pho I go to is the one in Reno by Target.  So far it is my favorite Pho.  Their meat isn't as greasy as some other places, and they have wonderful customer service.  Plus, everything is consistent every time I go.

I usually order the #26, but my new favorite is the #31 which is Bun Ga Nuong (Grilled Chicken over Vermicelli Noodles).  SO GOOD!  It's my absolute favorite.  Aaron experiments with the menu and tries new things.  Not me.  He has had the fried rice (with brown rice instead of white) which is DELICIOUS! 

Just thought I would add a little post about my favorite addiction :-) You can access their website by clickin here.

If I could make this dish myself, I'd save a ton of money.  I'll try learning one day :-)


  1. yum i have never tried it!

  2. Anonymous8:20 PM

    We'll have to try it for one of our recipe club meetings, haha. When is this going to begin by the way?



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