Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Updating Time

You know some people who thrive off of being busy constantly?  They can't stand still for too long.  Always have a project at hand.  Always on the go.

I hate this.

In high school I was too busy for my own good.  I volunteered every weekend, had dance team, and other clubs galore.  I was the epitome of a nerd. 

After high school I QUIT.  I quit everything!  I didn't want to be that busy anymore and have my life planned out for me.  I wanted to relax, hang out with friends, reduce the circles I had under my eyes, etc, etc.  I quickly realized that I am NOT one of those people who thrive off of being extremely busy.  In fact, I'm quite the opposite.

When I am busy
I get stressed
When I get stressed
I get sick
When I get sick
The world ends

I can almost 100% say that my kidney stones are stress induced.  Both kidney stone incidents have happened THE DAY OF A FINAL EXAM.  No joke.  It's too good to be true.

With that being said... I just want to be able to come home from work and plop on the couch with mac and cheese or some other unhealthy snack alternative and not move until it's time for bed.  So yet again, I am having another pity party that I have class directly after work.  And on the days that I don't have class I am still at school either doing homework or killing time.  What a life I live.

So enough with my pity party.  I just wanted to talk about how much I would prefer to be doing what I won't be doing for AT LEAST the next 2 years of my MBA process.  I loathe the MBA program right now.

There is so much going on in my life, yet I can't bring myself to remember anything.
  • I forgot to eat dinner the past 2 nights (and by forgot - I mean I didn't have time)
  • I bought a car on Saturday
  • The weather is turning to FALL (I just hope I don't miss it... I want to enjoy it)
  • I had an exam
  • I had a presentation
  • I had a panic attack
  • My beloved Jetta took a giant poo on Friday
  • Aaaaaaaaand as usual - I am still "homeless"
I know, I'm a big ball of fun :-)

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