Friday, May 13, 2016

Climbing Mount Saint Helens!

Guys.... I DID IT!!

I climbed Mount Saint Helens.

Hubs has been on a kick to do a climb (aka: something bigger than a hike).  Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, Mt. St. Helens - he was on a kick.

Thanks to kidney stones, I've successfully evaded the past few weekends of climbing.  Then also thanks to Aaron's overtime, I was able to avoid Mt. Hood the weekend before last.

But this last weekend we didn't have anything.  I was hesitant to go on a Sunday b/c I knew I'd be exhausted for the remainder of the week (AND I AM!) but I took the plunge and we. did. it.

With a 3:00am alarm clock and on the road by 4:00am, we were able to have trekking poles in hand, backpacks on backs, just in time for go-time at 5:45am.

Yes, folks, on our luxurious Sunday morning we were hiking at 5:45am.  Don't be jealous - I have the bags under my eyes to prove sleep deprivation is a nasty thing.

But I digress.

We pushed on.  The first half of the climb was snow-less which I was thankful for.  While it was steep we kept a good pace and passed several of the larger groups.  Aaron brought his skis to ascend the snowy parts where I intended to boot pack it.

Boot packing was definitely the wiser decision - but we won't tell him.

Oh and did I mention - we were climbing on Mother's Day which means everyone wore DRESSES!  Aaron's stage name was Ginger Pop.  And he was a B-E-A-U-T. Not to mention - he wore his 20 pound work vest just to add an extra level of challenge. #CantKeepUp

After having read about the false summit, I thankfully was prepared (as others around me were NOT).  It was nevertheless any less discouraging slightly to reach the incredibly steep false summit just to continue on to the real summit.

Ginger Pop making her way up


After we summited and almost lost my jacket, my trekking poles, and Ginger Pop's wig we decided it was time to book it back down.  Hubs had skis and the few people who left before us all left on their butts.

That's right.  Slid down the mountain on their butts.

It's called glissading, and it's as terrifying as it sounds (when it's ice).

But when it's NOT ice - it's one of the most FUN things you'll ever do!!

Oh you know - just sliding down on my butt

Have you ever slid down the mountain on your bootay?!  I might be bruised on my entire backside, but it was worth it.

And on another note - I'm desperately looking to learn to edit photos.  If anyone has any suggestions/tools/resources I'd love to hear!

Happy FRIDAY!!

Monday, May 02, 2016

Annual Dog Mountain hike


...the hubs and I did our first hike up Dog Mountain.  I stopped at almost every switchback (which equates to a ton of stopping) and did a lot of huffing-and-puffing.

The hike was "sooooo steep" that I even lost both of my big toenails from the descent (and my toes jamming into the front of my shoes).


...I kicked Dog Mountain's butt on the way up.  You might remember from this post that I was incredibly proud of myself for the progress I'd made on my fitness.  While the ascent went swimmingly, the descent ended in severely spraining my ankle causing me problems all throughout summer.


...was third time the charm!  With Crossfit 3x per week and our hiking regimen, hikes like Dog Mountain seem like another walk in the park (a hard walk in the park, though, with lots of heavy breathing).

The wild flowers were in SERIOUS full bloom!  And with full bloom comes full crowds.

The hubs got off his10:00pm-8:00am shift, came home, and we booked it to the mountain.  He's such a trooper :-)  I was super proud of our early start and expected to have pick-of-the-litter for parking spots.


The trail head was a ZOO.  We had to park in the overflow parking which is AT LEAST an additional half mile away from the trail head.

But that's ok - because it's wild flower season and this girl was STOKED.

We brought primcess Polly who was a total champ until the last uphill stretch, and a majority of the downhill portion.  We passed a man with his pug in a front-body-carrier aaaaand I may or may not consider purchasing one for Polly.
Don't judge me - she's my babe.

And on that note - here are photos from this year's Dog Mountain hike!  We may or may not have had a mini-photoshoot of Polly in the flowers.  My sweet hubs is such a trooper.