Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekend Updates!

Do you ever have those weekends where it's cold and rainy so sometimes it's easier to stay inside than do anything?

Aaron now has Saturday off work (hashtag PoliceProblems) so we've been struggling with what to do on rainy Portland weekends now that we actually get to see each other!

So Aaron's brother was in town this weekend which was a nice way to force us out of the house and do what Portlandian's do best:   
Drink Beer

This weekend was Portland's annual Zwickelmania.  Since Aaron always works Saturday's we've never been able to go.  So not only did we get to go but we got to share all of the fun microbreweries with his brother!

.... and by "all" I mean we were done after 2 beers.  His brother even got to see my allergy to alcohol take over my face and body.


Dateless in Dallas


  1. Hahahaha your face! That's awesome.
    I'm sure you guys will think of plenty to do on Saturdays once winter is over! Until then keep making that face! hahaha

  2. Looks like a good time was had by all! I'd rather have rain than all the snow we are still getting here!

  3. drinking beer is the best. haha awesome.

  4. Yay for having Saturdays together!! I know all too well how crappy certain work schedules can be.
    You have an allergy to alcohol?! I've never heard of that! How do you stand to drink with that?

  5. Sometimes its good to stay in rather than go out!
    But glad you got to go out and drink beer :)

    xox, Lisa @ Showered With Design

  6. I love weekend like that though! Just the lazy do whatever and have fun, no plans. Looks like you guys had a good time!

  7. Hi Ashley! My name is Cam and I had a quick question regarding your blog and was wondering if you could email me when you have a moment. Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon. :)


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