Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mega Update

I considered making several small posts with a bunch of updates since I have been a little absent lately, but I decided to just make one mega-post.

Because that's easier.

And I'm lazy.

Mom visited for a few days! (hence the blogging hiatus)
We shopped.
And watched TV.
And shopped some more.

Isn't that what moms are for?

She bought us THIS gem we found from heaven Home Goods.
She also babysat the pups while I was at work.
And sent me this text message.
Bad Ibo!
Tube = Lipstick Tube.  You get the picture.


Polly got spayed.
This is her.
All high on pain killers.
Stinky little pill popper she is.

And this is Ibo - hanging out like he owns the place.
Aaron went back to Reno to visit his mom and brought me back a present!
He's a keeper.
Who needs a ring when you've got YOGA PANTS!
And last but not least, thanks to Tabitha at My Cliffnotes, I found an awesome hair stylist and got my HAIR CUT!  I needed it - I was getting headaches when I put my hair in a pony tail.  This girl did an amazing job, so if anyone in the Portland area needs a hair stylist I'd highly recommend her!  Just ask!


  1. I was wondering where you were the other day!

    Moms are -the- best. Glad she visited and sounds like a great time! <3

    Lol @ that text!

  2. Moms are the best for shopping :) Homegoods is definitely heaven - or they must filter crack through the AC so we all get addicted to everything and want to buy it all. Have a happy monday!

    xxxx. - hope
    {Confessions of a Southern Belle}

  3. So excited you found my blog! Your dogs are adorable and lipstick tube stories with dogs are always the best...even more hilarious when they told by your mom! New PNW follower here :)

  4. Sounds like you've been busy! Your mom sounds like a good time!

  5. Poor Polly what's the recovery time for being spayed?

    Also got a LA membership so lets get our sweat on!!


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